As postbac or pre-professional students, it is important to display a manner of professionalism.

If you want to be a healthcare professional, act like one. Just to be clear, I am not telling you to go around performing unqualified differential diagnoses. Rather, I insist you analyze the work ethic and social characteristics of highly esteemed professionals in your field of interest. As a pre-dental student, this may consist of shadowing a dental practice - taking note of the dentist-patient interaction. From personal observations thus far, the following qualities of a dental professional really stood out:
  • Welcoming - approachable, friendly, and makes it so patients do not feel uncomfortable or rushed
  • Communicable - deep technical knowledge yet capable of explaining in laymans terms
  • Passionate - not only are they committed to fixing a patient's problems but educating them on oral health and wellness
As a postbac or pre-professional student, try to incorporate qualities such as the aforementioned into your lifestyle.